Yoga Testimonials:
Thanks Alicia! She really loved the program and especially your thoughtfulness and personality. Kerri
You have excellent classroom management skills
I feel so relaxed after class. Norma
I have noticed improvements in my balance. Barbara
My feet already feel better after one class! Judy
You are doing some fantastic work. Chetna
The head and neck massage after class is so nice and relaxing. Joanne
Sam loved yoga! Meryl
He has been the star yogi at his preschool and his teacher was the one who recommend I look into this for him outside of school! He LOVES it sooo much and we try and do it before bed every night. You are doing a great job!! Marty loves loves you and the class!
Hi Alicia! All the kiddos are enjoying your class very much! Huge hit!
Thank you for all that you do! Anna
I got the flyer and am so excited to join you as a family.
Tessa has been so sad that she has had to miss yoga class
Thank you Alicia! Isabelle truly loves your yoga classes. She learns so much, not just physically but spiritually, too. What you’re teaching in your classes reinforces the values and morals I want her to develop as a human being. Your program is excellent for today’s developing youth (especially mine 🙂 I’m glad she’s so creative in class. She cracks me up at home, happy to hear she shares it with others.
Thanks for everything!
Kevin loves yoga!! It is so very good for him.
Finley loved your program at BBS! He hardly ever talks about school (even though he loves it) but he has been talking about yoga a lot!
Yoga makes me feel better